Redland, Bristol

Sandstone Cobbles and Species Rich Lawn

This garden is at the top of a hill, over looking a busy main road, our customer wanted to entice wildlife.

The boys made great headway with the cobbles before the November rains came.

Once the pathway was complete we put up a new picket fence on the boundary line. This was planted in the spring time with Verbena bonariensis, Alchemilla mollis, Salvia nemorosa ‘caradonna,’ Thyme and Oregano. The planting was simple and effective in terms of long flowering, and beneficial to insects.

Around the lawn is a curving border, following the edge of the garden. This was planted in the spring with a low lavender hedge, and shrubs in the far back corner – Abelia, Euphorbia, Hydrangea and dwarf Weigela.


The species rich turf was really nice to lay. Mature and good quality, looked great straight away.

The border with the picket fence was planted with herbs, beautiful swaying, long flowering Verbena bonariensis and spring bulbs.

Tags: cobbles| lavender| planting| sandstone| sandstone cobbles| species rich turf| verbena bonariensis

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