Secluded Garden Design in Southville

The Secret Garden team have been working on this small urban garden for a few weeks. Firstly, rubble, soil and an old wooden shed were removed. Then the timber screening was installed around the perimeter of the garden to give more privacy.
20240723 120509

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20240723 120719

This nice, chunky timber raised bed was constructed and lined, and is now being filled with soil, ready to plant in the coming days.

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The dark, charcoal porcelain paving has almost been laid, with the next and one of the final jobs left to do being the pointing. For this we use a brush in compound.

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The dark paving goes throughout the entirety of the space and looks great complimenting the light wood that surrounds it.

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The weather has been pretty good this week, dry and warm, perfect for making paving mixes.

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Glenn is a master paver, and these slabs are certainly going to look fantastic once they’re cleaned up at the end.

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As the slabs go down, spacers are inserted to ensure perfect gabs between them.

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Slatts will be added to the back of the screening, and then the raised bed will be planted. Looking forward to seeing this completed project shortly. Check in with us again to take a look…

20240723 121100

Tags: charcoal porcelain| dark porcelain| landscaping| porcelain patio| porcelain paving| raised beds| timber raised beds| timber screening