We started off by removing the old fence. As there is no garden access, we took everything in and out through the house. Holes were dug for new fence posts, and George removed the old posts that were connected to the walls.
We brought in the overlap fence panels and screwed them to the new fence posts. We made sure to measure carefully as the brick wall was very wonky and as it is a rental property we weren’t to touch the wall.
Once the fence was up, the team began pulling back the membrane and gravel. Some of the gravel we used as a mulch layer to the existing borders, the rest we removed. The area was fairly level, so we removed the edging and then graded to make a low banked area at the far end.
As the edging, which was made out of up-ended bricks and breeze blocks, were sticking above the level of the pathway, our customer was worried that their children might fall over them. So, we removed them and filled the trench in with some of the waste gravel and soil.
As this garden is very shady, we used RTF or Rhizomatous Tall Fescue which is a better grass variety to use. It provides excellent wear tolerance and is a fantastic turf. We are very pleased with this garden – a small project that will make a big difference to this family.