Improved Lawn Drainage

Our customer in Henleaze wanted the drainage improved in their back garden as they were having issues with water logging at the bottom of the lawn.

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Team Jerry went straight in and ripped out the old lawn and dug down in the problem area. Whilst the drainage was being improved with aco drains, we also added in a curved stepping stone path.

Once the pathway was constructed, soil that had previously been removed was brought back in to bring the level back up to the edging around the borders. We used EverEdge for the edging, a great product that we love using in our garden designs.

The last step was to turf the lawn with fresh turf, as well as to include a few additional shrubs and climbers. The home owner can now enjoy their garden and not have to worry about water logging anymore. Come back next time to see what we’re doing!

Tags: drainage| new lawn| turf