Fairy Woodland Project at Willdbridge Mill Completed

We started landscaping this chosen site within Willsbridge Mill Nature Reserve in the winter. Initially lots of hard work was spent on digging out blocks of old concrete and stone. Continuing the work into the spring has been a real joy; and certainly being able to work in an open, safe place in isolation during the lockdown has been a blessing.

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As we started working on the pathways during April it was great to see the saplings of the native hedge greening up. The first part of April was dry and hot and we were slightly worried. But the April showers later in the month seemed to right that situation. By the end of the project the hedge is thriving.

Saplings start to put on growth in early April.

Being able to take my lunch break by the pond and river was absolute bliss. I’m looking forward to being able to taking my family for walks here in the future. It’s such a beautiful place.

Fountain Timber delivered timber chip which we used as a thick layer on the pathways. It was great getting to the stage of raking it out and seeing the project finally taking shape.


After returning from a weekend a hedgehog house had been built out of some of the stone that we had dug up. It looks fantastic and I’m sure some happy creatures will enjoy hibernating in there in the winter. You can see the archimedes screw in the background that was dug up. What a cool piece of history from the old iron works!


Saplings thriving by the end of the project.

It seems right that this landscaping project was completed on May day. A winters tale comes to fruition. The only thing left to do is to plant some bulbs for the bluebell and snowdrop glade in the autumn. We are pleased with the outcome of this project and are thankful to Willsbridge Mill Nature Reserve for having us onboard.

After these strange times of the lockdown and social distancing, we hope that you and your family and friends may be able to visit and enjoy it in the future…

Tags: fairy woodland| native hedges| Pathways| woodchip| woodland