Due to material delays and covid related issues we were delayed on starting this garden, so we sent in three of our best guys to get it moving along quickly. I arrived on day two to get some photos and they had already built the steps, curved retaining walls and moved a huge amount of soil! Therefore we don’t have before photos of this garden, but you can see how it would have looked.
Planted borders will be included behind the retaining walls, with the level of the lawn being raised up to the same level. Two back corner borders will also be planted up, along with the new patio which will be completed with a smart grey limestone.
The paving will be cut around the base of the grapevine, which will be mulched at the end stage to retain moisture in the soil as well as giving it an appealing finish.
The customer has three lovely large specimen trees already in situ, a Himalayan Birch, a Judas tree and an Acacia. These provide a beautiful dappled shade, which has been useful during this heat and will give a mature feel to this garden when we are finished landscaping it. We are very excited about planting up this garden.
The boys are doing such a good job on this garden, pouring with sweat, working so hard shifting in tonnes of ballast, sand and paving slabs. They’ve also had a friend – Cleo the golden retriever to keep them company!
Come back next time to see the completed photos of this garden…