Driveway Construction

We landscaped the back garden of this property in Bishopston last year. The new owners have been renovating the house and grounds, so the next thing was to get the driveway in order.
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The existing driveway was simply tarmacked, but had super weedy borders, and was generally in a bad state aesthetically and didn’t look very inviting. Our team swooped in to remedy this driveway with enthusiasm and a Kubota digger.

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It’s a fairly large space, with a good section of it not being used at all. So landscaping this driveway will make it more functional as a whole area. The boys started off by digging down. This was piled up and left for a grab to collect.

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Excavating with the digger, we dug down to previous layers of concrete, getting to the correct level where we could build it up with Type 1 aggregate for our new base.

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Along with the digger and hand-tool man power, we also used a pneumatic air drill to break through near the edge of the driveway.

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After bringing in a few tonnes of MOT Type 1, the level was almost there. The boys worked on the areas with the drainage – along the property line, where rainwater will run off, as well as drain covers.

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We brought in some 14mm clean limestone to use above the pipes. We craned it into position, and split the bag over the hole. Fast and satisfying.

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Sam raked this to level it out. Next week we have the block paving arriving, which will be laid to form the new driveway. Come back then to see how it’s looking.

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Tags: construction| driveway| landscaping