The old back patio was uneven concrete. This and the steps were broken up and removed, to level this area of the garden, closest to the patio doors. So that, upon walking out, it will be one, clean level. A section of the lawn was also removed. New steps will be constructed with a retaining wall next to the lawn.
We’ve had good weather over the past week, with rising temperatures, which has been perfect for landscaping, and definitely gives a feel good vibe for early March.
Thankfully, we have good access on this job, with a grab arriving to remove the excess soil, stone and concrete. However, all of this had to be wheelbarrowed through to the front garden, where a huge pile was created; ready to be lifted away. Sam filled barrows with the digger, whilst we shifted it through to the pile.
Whilst we moved waste material out to the front, the boys continued breaking out the concrete by the back door.
With the help of a digger, this project is rolling on well. Come back soon to see how this garden design is developing.