Timber Sleeper Raised Beds in Garden Design

The team have continued to work on this project in the Cotham area of Bristol this past week. The weather has been dry, grey and cool, which has been pretty perfect for landscaping.
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We carried on digging out soil to level the area which will be changed to lawn, and had lots of materials delivered, thankfully with a crane, as the access to this garden is quite tricky. We were all very pleased that the tonne bags of aggregate could easily be lifted from the road below up into the back of the garden.

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It would have taken us hours of work to bring all of this in by hand. It’s also good having a garden with enough space to store the materials, as often in Bristol gardens we work due with restricted access and space.

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The back patio area was levelled and we dug out large chunks of concrete that had the previous posts in them.

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We then dug holes for the new posts, which will support the timber screening that will go around the back section of the garden.

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The sun started to shine on us for the construction of the timber sleeper raised beds. Measurements were carefully checked and calculated to ensure that the raised beds will sit perfectly around the new paving.

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The raised beds will be lined, filled with soil (that we have kept from the digging out process) and then planted at the end of this job.

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Next week the team will be working on timber raised beds on the lower area of this section, with a step up to the patio. Come back soon and see how this project is developing…