The stone walling that the chaps are working on uses an NHL 3.5 Lime mortar mix. The soil was dug out and bagged up for removal, with the majority of the stones being kept for the rebuilding, but others were selected out that didn’t make the cut.
It’s a really interesting process and we have enjoyed stopping by to see it as it transforms week by week. In the back garden the walls that they first started on are finished, and look top notch. Stone walls, whether dry or masonry can last for hundreds of years, if they are built and maintained properly.
As the seasons change and the plants grow next to them, they will certainly have a beautiful backdrop. You can’t beat a stone wall in a garden.
In the front garden where the last wall is being rebuilt, the team have a good area for storing the stone, which they dip into as they proceed. Come back again to see the next project that we’re working on…