Major Mulching Session

Our customer in Frampton Cotterell has the most beautiful, wildlife friendly, garden. They have planted a variety of trees, shrubs and perennials and were keen to have the garden mulched.
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We brought in a tipper load of mulch from a nearby farm, and got to work moving it around the garden. Although it’s almost July we’re only just experiencing hot temperatures, and it certainly was a very sweaty day shifting a couple of tonnes of mulch.

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As well as mature trees in the ground, we also mulched pots, shrubs and some hedging. Mulch is so great to use in the garden. Not only does it look good as a top dressing, it also retains moisture in the soil, suppresses weeds (and makes it easier to pull them out), and helps to create a better soil structure as it breaks down into the earth.

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When mulching trees it is always a good idea to leave a collar around the base of the stem, in order to allow air to flow around it. If the trunk is heavily under a lot of mulch it can cause rot, making it susceptible to disease and pests.

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We mulched the front garden border, along with the back garden. The Verbena bonariensis was a real joy to work next to.

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Looking onto their beautiful greenhouse whilst we had lunch in the shade was particularly lovely. A real joy of a garden to work in, though we were glad to lay all the mulch, finish the job and look at what our hard work had produced. Check back in with our blog to see what our next project is…

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Tags: frampton cotterell| gardening| mulch| mulching| summer| summer garden| wheel barrow| wildlife garden